Running hot

That macabre nightmare refuses
to desist, bubbling in my thoughts
like a frightening fountain whose faucet
runs only hot.

Only hot — those visions mock me,
scald my soul until scars fester
and ripple on the surface encircling
what was once me.

Once me — like a pest I’ve gone
too far and while you watched this pot
has boiled. All that remains is the drain,
once me (and you) run only hot.

©2021 | Phillip Knight Scott

Today at dVerse we’re trying oral poetry. I started this poem in my head and tried to make use of repetition and alliteration to make it easier to remember. I made it to the end!

I also used Fandango’s one word challenge: “macabre,” a word I can never pronounce correctly, ironically enough.

Published by Phillip Knight Scott

My name is Phillip. I am a Tar Heel born and bred and watch every Yankees game I can. I'm still searching for my own TARDIS. My first novel, "The Alien in the Backseat," is available now!

32 thoughts on “Running hot

  1. Such good adjectives and metaphors in this, Phillip. Seems so frightening and futile, where one is the drain and the other is hot water pouring down it, a pain that feels like it will never end 😦

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is deliciously dark and brooding. I especially like the image of; “thoughts like a frightening fountain whose faucet runs only hot.” An apt description and feeling when one has nightmares. 💝💝

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love both the literal and figurative imagery, I think this can apply to PTSD and the like especially after waking up from nightmares. Love the analogies you included, they are quite clever. Haunting work!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. “Only hot — those visions mock me,
    scald my soul until scars fester
    and ripple on the surface encircling
    what was once me.”

    loved the way you phrased your words, gave it a unusual rhythm that i liked. and i thought it was very clever, well done

    Liked by 1 person

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